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A member registered Feb 03, 2018

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Haha, yeah. I'm mostly focusing on making sure people can get all their games since its a limited time thing to buy and knowing that you can't sort might be a turn off to some. But after that yeah we need some Library sorting features ahaha

Yup! I figured they would be working to add stuff for this, I just wanted to give a bit of condensed info and some suggestions as well. The Itch peeps are doing great and you are all appreciated <3

I know I'm super late to this party, I got the bundle the day it came out and went through and opened every single game in a new tab to add it to my library. Now my library is flooded which isn't a bad problem to have per say, but it would be nice to be able to sort that too. Now that I've come back and there is literally double the games from when I got it, I don't know what to do to find the new stuff.

ceege did amazing with their spreadsheet, even having information from which bundle they came from and ect. It would be super appreciative if there was that sort of sorting from itself. Like if this data is stored somewhere it would be useful if they can give the users access to sort by it or even bulk add to library/download by it too. 

Actuall suggestions tho:

1. Have a button to just add all to library. I know its set up so that you can't flood your library or so that users don't accidentally do that, butWANT to do that. So even if its just gonna ask me 20 times if I'm absolutely positive I want to do what I'm doing, it would be super helpful to say yes. 

2. Have a setting to auto-add new additions to library. That way these new 700~ish games that have come out in a few days and are lost in the mix of no real order don't have to be sorted out just by memory.

3. Maybe have a little check box on the side that lets you say if you want something or not. Or maybe even a "I don't want this" button so you can trim it down and not just have to open everything in a new tab like I did especially when you have to only ctrl+click since sometimes right clicking or middle clicking just doesn't work. 

4. Anything listed above that could be easy to implement and will help with all future projects as well as making people more willing to support this great cause and bundle